

1. “Sex workers, Stigma and Self-Image: Evidence from Kolkata Brothels” (with Sayantan Ghosal, Smarajit Jana, Anandi Mani and Sandip Mitra), Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 104 (3): 431–448, May 2022

2. "The Gendered Crisis: Livelihoods and Mental Well-being in India during COVID-19" (with Farzana Afridi and Amrita Dhillon), UNU-WIDER Working Paper 2021/65, April 2021; accepted at Feminist Economics

3. "Women's Inheritance Rights Reform and the Preference for Sons in India" (with Sonia Bhalotra and Rachel Brule), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 146, pp. 1-15, September 2020

4. “Motivating Knowledge Agents: Can Incentive Pay Overcome Social Distance?” (with Erlend Berg, Maitreesh Ghatak, R. Manjula and D. Rajasekhar), Economic Journal, Volume 129, Issue 617, pp. 110–142, January 2019

5. "Hidden Human Capital: Self-efficacy, Aspirations and Achievements of Adolescent and Young Women in India" (with Matthew Morton and Shrayana Bhattacharya), World Development, Vol. 111, pp. 161-180, November 2018

6. “Two States: A Comparative Analysis of Gujarat and Bihar’s Growth Performance Between 1981-2011” (with Maitreesh Ghatak), India Review, Special Issue on India's Economy: Growth, Governance and Reform, (ed.) Nirvikar Singh, Vol. 14:1, pp. 26-42, 2015

7. “Empowering Women? Inheritance Rights, Female Education and Dowry Payments in India”, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 114, pp. 233-251, May 2015 

8. “Did Gujarat Switch to a Higher Growth Trajectory Relative To India under Modi? A Rejoinder” (with Maitreesh Ghatak), Economic and Political Weekly, May 3, 2014

9. “Did Gujarat’s Growth Rate Accelerate under Modi?” (with Maitreesh Ghatak), Economic and Political Weekly, April 12, 2014

10. “Implementing Health Insurance for the Poor: The Rollout of RSBY in Karnataka, India” (with D. Rajasekhar, Erlend Berg, Maitreesh Ghatak and R. Manjula), Economic and Political Weekly, May 14, 2011

11. “Culture Clash or Culture Club: National Identity in Britain" (with Alan Manning), Economic Journal, Vol. 120(542), pp. F72-F100, February 2010

12. “Land Reform and Agricultural Productivity in India: A Review of the Evidence,” (with Maitreesh Ghatak), Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 23(2), pp. 251-269, 2007

13. "Chronic Poverty: A Conceptual Framework", VHAI Press, Voluntary Health Association of India, 2005; ISBN: 81-88973-85-8

Book Chapters

14. Women's Inheritance Rights in India: Can Legal Reform Precipitate Social Change? in Revisiting Inequality: Theoretical and Methodological Advances with Empirical Examples from India (eds. Chakraborty and Mukhopadhyay), Routledge India, pp.158-167, 2024

Working Papers

"Social Networks, Gender Norms and Women’s Labor Supply: Experimental Evidence Using a Job Search Platform" (with Farzana Afridi, Amrita Dhillon and Nikita Sangwan)

Trade Policy and Jobs in Vietnam: The Unintended Consequences of Trump’s Trade War” (with Lorenzo Rotunno, Anri Sakakibara and Pierre-Louis Vezina)

"Discriminatory Laws Against Women: A Survey of the Literature", World Bank Policy Research Paper 8719, January 2019 

"Mothers and Daughters: Inheritance Reforms, Bargaining Power and Child Education in India" (coming soon) 

Work in Progress

Assessing the impact of a psychological empowerment programme to Women's Self-help Groups in West Bengal, India (with Sayantan Ghosal, Anandi Mani and Sandip Mitra)

Disentangling Channels of Information Dissemination in Healthcare Delivery in Rural India” (with Erlend Berg, D. Rajasekhar and R. Manjula)

Disadvantage and Participation in Accountability Processes in Indian schools (with Sayantan Ghosal, Patricio Dalton, Seemanti Ghosh, Theo Koutemeridis, and Michele Schweisfurth)